Context: For instance, a cancer cell emits a radically different frequency than that of a healthy cell. This Frequency Calms the Mind with Its Soothing Music, It Will Put You Right to Sleep. It helps you to overcome the fear which is usually the main obstacle in realizing our dreams and goals. THANK YOU for your dedicated work to help us relax and enjoy life more. Interestingly, most professional singers naturally sing slightly sharp. It boosts your ability to find inner peace. Every grain of sand, mineral, food, chemical, living cell all vibrates at their own specific frequency. Michael focuses on creating energetic environments of peace and sleep, that are conducive to healing and help people to relax and smile. Interventions: Tesla believed that by vibrating parts of the body with low amplitude frequency he could bring spontaneous healing. Everything in the universe vibrates at a signature frequency. NASA didnt know but Canadian students did, Trudeau briefed multiple times since 2019 on election interference, adviser testifies, Missing father of 3 found inside sharks stomach, IDed by tattoo, Massive, multi-year B.C. The music is noted for its soothing properties. This means you can use binaural beats to entrain your mind to reach a certain mental state. I want to encourage you all to continue to study this out. It would be interesting if any of you out there would like to contribute to this research by investigating my findings and reporting back. The 444 Hz I am calling the Master Key because it is the one used to calibrate all the others. Delta: 1-4 Hz. Its important to understand that everything in our universe vibrates at a certain frequency. I am just as much on a journey of discovery as you all are. He also discovered the specifc frequency that would destroy these pathogens; he called this the mortaloscillatory frequency. Of interest was the fact that in one year eleven research centers in the US that were validating Rifes technology mysteriously burned down. That's the very best way to \"vote\" for what I'mtrying to do to help spread the \"good vibes\" around, and see how many people I can bring some level of increased\"well-being\" to, in body, mind and spirit.It's possible to contact me here, but I've made it a \"screened\" process for good reason. I found that it resonated more to 444. With a higher frequency than beta, these brain waves help in: There is a lack of clinical research for binaural beats. I've combined it here with a second one that is known to be helpful for emotional balance, deep sense of well-being and joy.It's when they're toned together that they create a naturally-occurring third tone, or a \"binaural\" effect. Ryan asks Michael the best way to listen to frequencies. awareness of the many benefits of CAM for . Others believe that the correct middle A is 432 Hz (also known as Verdis A) because it has a pure tone of math fundamental to nature and is mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe, vibrating with Phi, the Golden Ratio. For example, if you are listening to a 440 Hz tone with your left ear and a 444 Hz tone with your right ear, you would be hearing a 4 Hz tone. These charged molecules form a particular hexagonal crystalline shape, which enhances their ability to refract and reflect frequencies. Wholetones 2 Sleep Player 3 hours of music, infinite repeat. doi: 10.23750/abm.v93iS2.12915. Ryan references Biology of Belief by Dr Bruce Lipton which discusses how thoughts can change blood chemistry, epigenetics etc. Who says this is how you must tune your instrument? Micheal discovered through traveling the world that not everyone tunes to the same note. No one in the addiction industry wanted to touch his device because it would have destroyed their profits. Research shows that binary beats are good for mental health as its linked to encouraging positive feelings. As a result, music with this tuning. I am merely the presenter of such information. There are numerous organizations advocating a universal switch to 432 Hz, but that would involve upsetting worldwide standards, not to mention the construction and re-tuning of millions of musical instruments. When you are in an alpha state of mind, your brain is focused and productive. I believe that there is much more to learn here. Accessibility 432 Hz is commonly used in music therapy to reduce stress and anxiety and bring down heart rate and blood pressure. There are seven main frequencies within the healing frequency range, each with its own unique effects. Sound frequency healing has been used to treat several different kinds of ailments such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and disorders of the nervous system. She is an experiencer and researcher of afterlife communication and the twin soul phenomenon. By providing your email you consent to receiving occasional promotional emails and newsletters. As in Isaiah 22:22 it is the Key of David - what it opens no man can shut and what it shuts, no man can open. What Im about to tell you will shake your faith in all the music youve heard in your life. Check out the full collection. The two tones align with your brain waves to produce a beat with a different frequency. Main outcome measures: I am not going to dwell on these theories nor list any sources for this understanding; there are many available online by using a Google search. Speed of Sound = 345 m/s = 1130 ft/s = 770 miles/hr. Bookshelf 528Hz + 174Hz, the combination becomes particularly powerful. This leads to different mental states which affect the brain in different ways. The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. These beautiful songs are all played within the most relaxing healing frequencies to help you fall asleep and get the most restful and healing sleep of your life. In reality, medicine and Big Pharma do not want any competition with their drugs and they will use the FDA as their police force to stop any supplement or device that eliminates drug use. But here is what I found in 444 tuning that is interesting numerically. 100% of the participants reported improvements in at least one sleep quality item while listening to Wholetones 2Sleep Music compared to the control condition with no music. The study results suggest repeating the experiment with a larger sample pool and introducing randomized controlled trials covering more clinical parameters. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. This blog is a recording of my experiences, observations, and opinions. There is allegedly something sinister and evil about 440 Hz. Michael is an author, visionary, musician,composer, and producer. 444 Hz: Kills cancer cells. Michael cites another example, Dr Jerry Jacobson and his Magnasphere, a frequency arch that works on Pico-Tesla frequencies. This can increase or hold back different brain functions that control thinking and feeling. Healing frequencies have existed for hundreds of years. David spent his life studying and decoding the ancient psalms of King David ancient Hebraic forms of music. Brain waves can range from low frequency to high amplitude and high frequency to low amplitude. People researching the numbers behind 432 have pointed out many fascinating numerical synchronicities. Michael records Wholetones in analog. )Please be sure to make use of these tones when you are in a place where you won't be disturbed. Conclusions: Michael calibrated his guitar to 444 Hz, pulled out the manuscripts from David and started playing. Another historical milestone was achieved by Royal Raymond Rife who was aresearcher in the early 1930s; he invented the unique light microscope that wascapable of determining the vibratory frequency of pathogens. Copyright 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Removes Negative Energy from the home and office. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. This is a collaborative effort of lovers of music in general and harp music in particular. Get a roundup of the most important and intriguing national stories delivered to your inbox every weekday. Michael believes frequencies can affect your body on a cellular level. Now, according to music theory, when playing in 432 Hz tuning, middle C is closer to 256 Hz, a frequency . And its all been backed by science!full clinical trial of Wholetones 2Sleep at the Center for Health and Human Performance at Jacksonville University to PROVE IT! The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. And with my unique blends, it tends to be what I call\"beyond binaural\" (double or triple reinforced). Results: This third tone is called a binaural beat. Neither are bad, just different states that produce a different effect. Music creates frequencies and some fo these frequencies have the power to heal. He created the Pico-Tesla frequency. Taiwan to get $619M U.S. military boost amid 2nd day of reported Chinese incursions, Indigo says hacked employee data may appear on dark web this week, wont pay ransom, EpiPens dont work in space? © 2018 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. A vintage plastic guitar tuner measures 440 Hz. 2002 Sep-Oct;8(5):52-4, 56-60. MeSH Every time you speak your voice box vibrates and creates a frequency. Mantras for Inner Peace Benefits of Solfeggio Freq Balance Emotions Free Meditation Music, Music DAW : Logic Pro X , Ableton, Studio One, Software VSTs & Plugins : Kontakt, Waves, UAD, Preferred Visual Partners :, Plotaverse, 2D Art and Graphics : After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop. as we continue this journey. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body the brain into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.. This Number Is a Very Special Number, It Is a Number of The Angels, Which Makes This Frequency Very Close to The Divine. Cancer therapy generates over450 billion dollars a year in revenue. I love your Wholetones cds, and have shared them with many friends. Interestingly, based on the research of Fritz Albert Popp, Ph.D. all carcinogens block the UV healing frequencies that repair the DNA. Music, like food and water, is something that is common across every continent, country, and culture. 432 Hz. Research says that music tuned from this frequency is easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, and contains more inherent dynamic range. All rights reserved. Others might find them irritating and unproductive. Each session consisted of 20 min' listening. I have been testing Prince songs as well, especially his early work from For You, and Prince. Sure enough he found reference to Kind David. Vital parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation), perceptions (physical and emotional sensations, for example fatigue and stress), levels of concentration during the listening session, and general satisfaction with the experience. Those using Healing Music by Wholetones have experienced: And, because of all of these benefits, boosted immunity. My opinions may evolve as new evidence presents itself. When you digitize anything youre converting wave form into numbers. Michael explains that 444 Hz is a balanced frequency. Specifically designed to help you enjoy a restful nights sleep, Wholetones 2Sleep is a self-contained player that you can use in your home or take along as you travel to get all of the great benefits of Wholetones wherever you might be. People researching the numbers behind 432 have pointed out many fascinating numerical synchronicities. 741 Hz - helps to solve problems and express yourself, also a powerful cleanser. It has been truly game-changer for us! Benefits of 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency. They now only allow background play if have a paid subscription to youtube and I would rather purchase the music from you. The evidence suggests that both 432 and 444 are compatible tuning standards. Michael has discovered 7 frequencies that have been used to heal and protect since ancient times. Many of them will be UNIQUE BLENDS that youlikely won't find anywhere else. Brain waves can be measured by a technique called electroencephalography (EEG). Here are two versions of Coldplays The Scientist, starting with the standard version from their 2002 album, A Rush of Blood to the Head. Pilot Aquaphotomic Study of the Effects of Audible Sound on Water Molecular Structure. Remember, low-volume playback for this recording should be as effective as listening at a higher volume.I would love to hear from those of you who receive benefit from these recordings, and hearing some suggestions asto the specifics of what might be most helpful for you that Imight be able to create. Your email address will not be published. Frequencies are measured using unit of measurement called Hertz (Hz). Before I understood these frequencies, I would tune my harp sharp because it just sounded better to me. I tried out 444 tuning on a keyboard and I felt its energy was also harmonious, similar to 432. Your email address will not be published. I decided to test out thIs claim. Explore (NY). I want to thank you all for your interest and support and invite you to stay tuned (Pun Intended!) Many people are asking if it might not be better to use the 432Hz calibration to tune with instead of the orchestral standard of 440Hz. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Though different, we see in the Solfeggio frequencies the harmonization between 6 and 9 (along with 3). Much study and experimentation have been done with this frequency from Emotos work on healing water and frozen water crystal structures, to DNA repair by genetic researchers using this frequency; and others as well. If you have a golden goose, why would you want to kill it? Simply enter your name and email! All rights reserved. 147 Hz: Reduces high blood pressure immediately. Calamassi D, Lucicesare A, Pomponi GP, Bambi S. Acta Biomed. To identify differences in vital parameters and perceptions after listening to music at different frequencies, 440 Hz versus 432 Hz. 609 Figueroa Street, Folsom, CA. 8600 Rockville Pike Your email address will not be published. When your body starts to misfire, it is usually accompanied by a change in the basic frequency of the cells caused by exposure to a disruptive foreign frequency or toxic chemical. Some of the benefits of listening to music at 444Hz include increased brain function, reduced stress levels, improved sleep quality, and increased levels of concentration and focus. It is said that the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz standard in 1935 as part of a war on consciousness leading to musical cult control.. The superior olivary complex and binaural beats. However, if you do want to follow me on my Facebook page, there you will find the latest in regards to my Prince communications and links I think you should see. Following the successful study, it all hit the fan. In this app, it allows you to select what tuning standard you want to use. Alan Crossis a broadcaster with 102.1 the Edge and a commentator for Global News. Your brain interprets the two tones as a beat of its own. Michael has written a book called The Sound of Healing to help people unlock their potential. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Negative people are low vibration. Binaural beat therapy cant be used in place of conventional therapy, but it could be used as a complementary strategy if discussed with a doctor. PMC Order your copy of this CD today! Circulation is improved. Play 44Hz + 444Hz + 888Hz | OM HARI OM | Echoes from Space | Manifestation & Abundance Soundscape. The superior olivary complex synchronizes various activities of the many neurons in the brain. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006902.pub2. I am just giving you the best information I have at this time. The results were conclusive trial participants that listened to Wholetones fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer and woke up feeling more refreshed than those who didnt. JANUARY SATURDAY 20TH, 2018 at 7:00 pm. It may even have healing properties. Some people will find the beats effective. J Appl Oral Sci. Michael explains that the problem is truncation or compression. Fate or God brought Michael to a coffee house in Tel Aviv, Israel where he met a pianist called David who told Michael that when he woke up that morning God had told him he was to give his lifes work away today. 15 (2019) 283-290/ No. It is the critical means of communication between all things on a macrocosmic as well as microcosmic level. Relax in the arms of the angel with this soothing sleep music and let go of all the stress and tension, The video will turn black in around 10 mins, for you to drift calmly into deep sleep. A binaural beat is an illusion created by the brain when you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies at the same time. However, setting the reference tone to 444 Hz means that 528 Hz is included in the musical scale. In Pythagorean math, 432 reduces to 9, while 528 reduces to 6. Veteran piano designer and tuner Daniel Koehler has created prototype pianos that use the A at 444 Hz tuning, in an effort to demonstrate its benefits. However, there is inconclusive research supporting binaural beat as a stand-alone medical treatment tool. I think perhaps they are like different channels, gateways. The autonomic nervous system is balanced, better clarity of mind, less depression. Objective: The Bridge fosters forgiveness and peace in relationships. Usually, the reference tone of tuning is 440 Hz, and this is the international standard frequency (we refer to this as 440 Hz music). If youre not sleeping 6-8 hours a day your body cannot heal.. They are considered powerful and many people see them as divine signs from the universe. Some of the benefits of listening to music at 444Hz include increased brain function, reduced stress levels, improved sleep quality, and increased levels of concentration and focus. We have better digestion. This frequency became the standard ISO-16 reference for tuning all musical instruments based on the chromatic scale, the one most often used for music in the West. Create amazing group joy. This is called the frequency-following effect. Theta binaural beats benefits include: Alpha: 8-14 Hz. Here's Why 888Hz May Be The most Relaxing, Healing Frequency of All Sound frequency healing has been used to treat several different kinds of ailments such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and disorders of the nervous system. There are so many more wonderful benefits that people have found from listening to Healing Frequency Music like Wholetones, as well! Please read our Privacy Policy for more detailed information. Michael believes that cancer is a disease of the environment. Located in the brain stem, the superior olivary complex is the first part of the brain that processes sound input from both ears. may not be reproduced, distributed, or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author. The evidence for the frequency-following effect is conflicting and inconclusive. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, The 5 Types of Brain Waves That Affect Binaural Beats, Anti-aging: cortisol reduction/DHEA increase, Easily engage in activities and the environment because you are in a state of flow, Attention to detail, helping in memory recall, A different way of thinking, which is a sign of creativity, Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement, Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention. Amazing Benefits of Chanting OM Mantra, The Best Hang Drum Tracks For Meditation And Relaxation. Nicola Teslas 3-6-9 Theory: What You Need To Know, 528Hz + 174Hz : Experience this powerful combination of frequencies, What is OM? Micheal recommends making sure the frequencies you use are congruent and balanced, can interact with each other and can elicit healing. 4]. This technique involves electrodes put on the scalp to record electoral signals.. Michael encourages people to speak life to each other. The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. Why are people sleeping less? Michael explains that EMFs, 5G, photonic energy and wifi are all disrupting our sleep. Now listen to this. Check out some of the other sites that we highly recommend for your reading and listening pleasure. 4 Di Nasso et al.'s study suggests that music tuned to 432 Hz can be used as a remedy for anxiety and pain in dental treatment. Please make this available somewhere other than youtube. This was a Single Blind, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial to test the Efficacy of Wholetones 2Sleep Music on Sleep and Health Behaviors of Adults with Insomnia Symptoms. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. All Rights Reserved. For the next two nights Ryder woke up drenched in sweat as the heat was worked out of him. Table of Contents show. Ive also been told that the different effects these frequencies have on our chakras. So, why have we NOT heardabout this great discovery? He gave these manuscripts to Michael in a backpack. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Weirdly, no one can say for sure why this frequency was chosen in the first place. Ryan explains that ancient writers associated the constellation Cancer with a summer heat. . Cochrane Database Syst Rev. FOIA It certainly dud not resonate with 440. Talk to your doctor before trying to use binaural beats for any health reasons., Depression. Epub 2020 May 11. People have reported a wide range of results after incorporating Wholetones into their daily lives and we have experienced many of these benefits firsthand! Theres something to think about the next time you pop in some earbuds. In which case, if you are supposedly converting your Prince music to 432, you are wasting your time. If youre like most people, you probably enjoy listening to music. 2020;28:e20190601. You will enjoy various clinically proven frequencies embedded behind six lullabies some classics and some composed by Michael Terryll. Deino Trotta also known as: Phil Trotta, Rocky, Tenzin Dawa. 33 volunteers, not suffering from acute and/or chronic diseases. Our Natural Living Family group buy will save you 70% off these incredibly healing frequencies. I am only sharing what has seemed to be most beneficial for me that I hope will be of some use and benefit to others.I plan to be releasing other recordings similar to this soon. All the music of the West thats based on the standard 12-tone scale is used for the management of crowds as well as thought control. One cup of coffee decreases your bodys frequency for three days. I found that in some cases, like Imagine, that it resonated with both 432 and 444 simultaneously, but not 440. STAR HARP CONCERT. He has created a compilation of music using these healing frequencies called Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project. 442. Required fields are marked *. Nitric oxide strengthens the immune system. Michael has created Wholetones Sleep, a collection of lullabies. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians also turned to music for healing the body and the mind. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! This Frequency Calms the Mind with Its Soothing Music, It Will Put You Right to Sleep. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 888 is also a lucky number in eastern cultures. The Link Between 432 Hz and 8 Hz. The 528Hz frequency has been given the name, Miracle Frequency, Healing Frequency, Creative Frequency and others reflecting its amazing qualities. If you are interested in \"staying tuned\" for other recordingsand explorations in sound, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to mychannel! Instruments become more stable and stay in tune longer at that frequency. Copyright 2015-2022 by Andrea Mai. The Wholetones samples on Michaels website are MP3s. The answer is simple. Music tuned to 432 Hz versus music tuned to 440 Hz for improving sleep in patients with spinal cord injuries: a double-blind cross-over pilot study. But did you know that there are some great benefits to listening to music at 444Hz? Altern Ther Health Med. 153 Hz: Relief of Muscular Dystrophy They all work to balance the morphogenic or energyfield around each cell. Pharmaceutical drugs also disrupt the bodys frequencies as well as wi-fi and other EMFs. 2014-2023 Natural Living Family. From a historical perspective, the ancient Chinese Qigong masters discovered that subjecting the body to a set of basic frequencies can restore health almost instantaneously. Research says that music tuned from this frequency is easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, and contains more inherent dynamic range. Going a little deeper, we end up at the doorstep of the Nazis. Its a version of the same song thats been tuned down to the supposedly more natural frequency of 432 Hz. The frequency vibrations get to the root cause of disease, physical and mental issues, and more. Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. 444Hz and 888Hz are both known as the Frequency of Angels. Using these frequencies in your meditation practice may reduce stress & improve sleep. at a time2, 3 or more times a day \"as needed\".It's good to experiment with these things somewhat consistently for a week or two before deciding whether it was most helpful or not. Your time purchase the music youve heard in your Meditation practice may reduce stress & improve Sleep in! Waves can be measured by a technique called electroencephalography ( EEG ) the mind with its own unique effects pop! Acute and/or chronic diseases others reflecting its amazing qualities easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, producer... Brain functions that control thinking and feeling Organization for Natural Medicine to practice Natural Medicine globally i believe there. App, it will Put you Right to Sleep and bring down heart rate and blood pressure and are! Your instrument due to an error thank you for your interest and and! 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