I had the surgery in august of 2014. Station commander looked at my medical paperwork and said word-for-word: " You stick to the script. The recruiter will come up with the necessary "details" of what happened and will move on to the next recruit. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They might nowWhy would you pose a question on a public website. Keratinous is NOT trifling; it is the major cause for corneal transplant in the US-a very expensive medical issue. Yet I come on this forum and nearly every single hopeful has 4 LORs from all sorts of military personnel and powerful individuals. No. MEPS, short for Military Entrance Processing, rolled out a new system yesterday called MHS Genesis. They only care in the beginning because they don't want to waste money on you for "XYZ" reason for processing, no matter how bullshit it is. She passed all the exams and was cleared, then went to BMT and performed well. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from Bodybuilding.com! Take the advice and think on it. There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. Make it impossible to lie? I have been 100% honest with my paperwork. Idk if the policy is 1 or 3 years, Ive encountered both. Quite a few of the guys in my squadron had a screw lose. Having inconsistencies on your forms vs verbal answers is usually a major issue and will make it very difficult for you to get into the Marines now. And yet when the recruiter tells them to lie so he doesn't have to do paperwork they always believe him that no one will find out. 27. Downside, you might take a bit longer to get the green light to process and might also have to get documentation from your doctor that you don't need your meds anymore. They need to have a psychologist evaluate everyone at meps. . All Rights Reserved. MEPS stands for Military Entrance Processing Station. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. During the MEPS process, recruits may be tempted to lie about past events. If I go back to my doctor and ask them to fill it out with the actual dates (even though its not exactly on the mark of '90 days'), will it be a waste of time to send back to MEPS, maybe with a statement attached? It could just be too early that they do not want to be responsible if there is a tear due to your eyes are still healing. Fraudulent Enlistment. Lying will. He hadn't been "prescribed" an anti-depressant because he only took some medicine on a short, trial basis. For candidates lurking here, seeing how the post might apply to their own application, whether for SA or ROTC or OCS: If you have to ask should I Iie, then you already know the answer. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. TL; DR Anyone with experience of LASIK eye surgery documentation sent to MEPS. And if you don't know what to do, you have no business applying to the military. a) Check our wiki b) Run a search c) Post your question with a *clear and specific title*, Press J to jump to the feed. Our advice is consistently not to lie at MEPS. Your Recruiter will not be the one getting in troubleit will be you. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. A recent post made me think of these questions. We are going to have to start policing this, because it's becoming too common. Because he felt that his condition was very mild, and that it was part of his cousin's support program, he did not disclose this to his Recruiter, nor MEPS. I was completely honest and I served honorably for 8 years. What is the worst that can happen? I realize you were told to lie, but you should have refused. In hindsight, had I known this disaster of 'hurry up and wait' would happen I would have waited another month to check in. This was the man who my friend had confessed his pot usage to when we first showed up a month ago, but now my friend lied to him and he accepted the lie without hesitation. Wait 1-3 years off the medication. Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. They don't understand how a broken leg or asthma when they were a kid can come back, they don't understand how mental issues are severely exacerbated under stress-- because they think their phone breaking is stress, and they dealt with that just fine. So I'm trying to go into USMC and I have been talking with this recruiter for a few months now. They asked him if hadn't told them EVERYTHING and this was his last chance. When you're an officer and in a time-sensitive situation where lives are on the line, do you really think you have time to triple check? Haven't met a personw ho didn't lie. A young man decided to join the Air Force and contacted a Recruiter. Generally speaking, no. Went to MEPS the next morning and everything was normal until medical debriefing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.reddit.com/r/newtothenavy/comments/6mxv7c/links_to_official_information_on_every_enlisted/, https://www.public.navy.mil/netc/centers/ceneoddive/ndstc/documents/manmed_chap15.pdf. Personally, go find another doctor that is ex-military that can weed through the BS. Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. He also said that as long as I take care of it before I leave, I'll be fine. This experience also likely caused further stress and worsened his long-term mental health because he was suddenly out of a multi-year career, and wasted many weeks of his and the Air Force's time. What Is The Biggest Lie You Ever Heard, Told Or Someone Told You? The purpose of this script is to help protect users from doxing, stalking, and harassment. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! You will not be able to live the Army values and lead Soldiers in the future. It is not the recruiters job to get you into the military, nor is it MEPS' job to disqualify you. Lying on your SF-86 is an aspect of personal conduct, and deliberately falsifying or omitting information prevents investigators from getting the full picture of who you are and how you have conducted yourself thus far. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My knees were pretty well shot after 4 years active 11B. Do people go to jail for lying at MEPS? AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. Though my friend told me his exam consisted of a puff eye test, exam for glaucoma screening. I think the individual is still at the MEPS stage of enlistment, and if I have understood him correctly, he is awaiting a medical waiver of sorts. In my experience meps isn't that deep of a medical check and it's fairly disorganized. Delayed my ROTC scholarship for a semester, biggest pain in the ass. We can't definitively know the answer to these hypotheticals, but we do know that the military would have never prepared them for it because they never were evaluated. For instance another friend went to meps and when he was doing the eye portion he was wearing contacts and the guy checking him didn't even notice. Option 1: Being truthful and working a waiver that is doable. Thanks! First, you are the one liable WHEN you get busted lying. My recruiter sent a 10 page report from the doctor along with the 'Refractive Eye Surgery Checklist' paper my recruiter gave me. If MEPS already okayed my medical documents, can they go back and try to get more info? So ur saying stay off the pills for 90 days and I doesnt come up?how? Should I lie at MEPS and if so will I likely get caught? Here is the Press Release. See TheBeneGesseritWitch's guide on Paths to become an Officer. His family supported the cousin and were part an intensive family counseling program for suicide prevention, however this had a strong impact on our young man. In bootcamp a kid had asthma and almost passed out going through the chicken road and he got kicked out for lying about his asthma, so I would be honest. After a long conversation with my doc he said there is no way for them to find out unless you tell them. She joined the army and just before graduating AIT she decided the Army wasn't for her (I told her not to do it, but did she listen? When I went to MEPs, like most people, I had something to lie about. Now the most commonly performed eye laser surgery, LASIK involves creating a partial-thickness corneal flap and using an excimer laser to ablate the bed of the cornea. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. If you would like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension TamperMonkey, or the Firefox extension GreaseMonkey and click Install This Script on the script page. One guy kept getting ahold of his prrsonal items somehow and got caught playing a saxophone in the barracks. (yes pretty much threw him and his boss underneath the bus). Instead, she had abysmal chances for waiver approval because she never got the additional examination needed for a waiver (plus lying isn't helpful to a case), so she was separated despite the recommendation of her MTI. Never saw him again. 2. He told them. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. This is a process a person goes through after they have gone through the medical screening to join the army. Looking at your previous 11 posts it looks like you might be joining the Marines. If you lie about it at MEPS, and get Lying at MEPS, HIPAA and security clearances. You're still not getting it. 1. They'll simply deny him enlistment and move-on. Any help would be appreciated. My cousin was in line for a navigator slot when he joined the Marines. Finally, he was incorrectly interpreting the questions from his recruiter and MEPS to what he believed his own history was. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The rules here have not changed, but the enforcement will now result in a 30 day ban from APC for violations. Cookie Notice ; and he asked my friend if he had ever smoked pot. I would say lying at meps is a low risk high reward type of deal. Tough but that is what it is when they find out. I have ADHD and a prescription but function perfectly fine off the meds bc ADHD does not effect me much at all anymore. broke my nose in December and had surgery to fix the break and take care of some sinus problems. Now an MTI's recommendations are definitely considered, but they are really just a tiebreaker if the waiver authority is 50/50 on a case, and MTI's certainly do recommend separation sometimes. Downside, potentially get caught, hit with fraudulent enlistment, permanently disqualified. He might have been denied, or if he was approved, he would at least have been more prepared to handle the BMT experience. Pretend now that either of these people had completed BMT without their prior Mental Health history ever evaluated. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. I'm certain they won't be. JavaScript is disabled. So they just left that section blank and filled in the most recent appointment, making it look as if i never went in at all until just the other day. Further, he won't be able to enlist nor commission in any branch of the military ever again. May 14, 2016 Just a note, if you decide to lie about it, you need to be sure that you won't let it slip sometime later. My experience: I told the truth about something that should have been a non-issue. I think the chief issue is your pattern of distrust..and confidence in superiors. and was it a mistake for being honest at MEPS? Once you have gone through initial questioning phases with your recruiter and have discussed your options, your recruiter will set an. My friend says I might be in danger for being honest. Stuck waiting for MEPS to process my info from Military to Military as well as MEPS to MEPS. First, you didn't believe your OR so you called his boss who said the same thing, and then you come here looking for validation of the opposite advice. You're assuming her recruiter didn't know With the rise of electronic medical records it'll become extremely hard to lie for meps. why worry about it if it becomes a problem deal with it then. or "Do you have a history of depression? Your Visit to MEPS All enlisted recruits are evaluated at MEPS Your recruiter helps prepare you for MEPS He passed MEPS, signed a contract, and entered Basic Military Training (BMT). Any advice? I think that I am going to just forget that it ever happened. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. Downside, you might take a bit longer to get the green light to process and might also have to get documentation from your doctor that you don't need your meds anymore. How about this: Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. It allows MEPS to see your entire Electronic Health Record (EHR). and our Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isn't as difficult as you might think. Retired in '02 as a Senior Chief(E-8 for you landlubbers). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dont lie. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. After seeing the counselor for about 3 months, he was diagnosed with Dysthymia and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The most popular bodybuilding message boards! In the end, I did everything I could to prove I was completely fine. As above: the truth is easy to remember, keep consistent and coordinate with others. I don't suggest lying, but literally almost everyone I know of has lied about something. Know how to find the right doctor. I lied at meps . Accidentally or on purpose are applicable. Put me in the disqualified for medical category. If people can lie about weed I dont see any moral dilemma about you lying about ADHD. It is possible to lie about your depression during MEPS (Military Entrance Process). Right now, between your profile information and this post, you're what we like to call a "tool bag". I went through in 2011 after Lasik. Well today I reserved an 11x op 40 contract with plans to go to MEPS Tues/Wed. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership.
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