It has been 3 weeks now of No Contact and on a weekly basis the phone rings and a text is sent trying to make a connection to me. The pendulum is simply an analogy for the trajectory your emotions take after a break up. Weeks before she blocked me, she exclaimed that I was such an AMAZING friend, and I have the biggest, most caring heart of anyone she knows. Im not sure. Thats the handicap. Yeah, getting closure is tough, for sure. I made it clear that he could make up any lies he wanted but that anyone with an ounce of intelligence would not believe him. It also dawned to me how extremely immature she seemed for a 37 year old woman. Deep down, they are hurting souls and not the cruel calculating individuals theyre perceived to be. He will never change, hes not capable. -Irresponsible/reckless behavior Don't be surprised if you don't trust yourself to "do life" on your own yet. More pain will come to you. He has gotten worse at his acting or I have gotten better at seeing through the crap. He left. So I felt your words and enjoyed reading you this morning. He left me alone, only sending a text once a month to say hello and miss you. Only, now we both know the truth. Your articles give me the strength to keep going. I did, and that was when she came after me with reckless abandon. No he way too skilled to do it that way. **************** 2) accept it it kind of placed me in a situation where their support was conditional on my taking this risk.. You pre-emp. Available in ebook, paperback, and hardback! If you think about it, its what separates us from them. Years in the making, this book creates a bridge between the first-hand knowledge of narcissistic abuse by survivors with lived experience and the social psychological research on the interpersonal and group dynamics of high-control relationships. I was virtually approached and aggressively followed-up with by a guy when visiting another city. I put her growing abusive and physical temper down to myself and not being good enough for her. He was not used to me ignoring him in the same manner that he had been ignoring me. Maybe they're curious as to how you're doing or maybe they want to make you jealous. Since you are connected to him if ways you get out of (children) I think you have to educate yourself and learn to let the things he does roll off ur back. On top of that he lied on all his financials and Mr. Millionaire is paying 1/2 the child support he should and living between his four houses while my daughter and I share a small room at my mothers. I have some new answers and new pride in myself. I also told him that when he met me, I was very vulnerable because my mom was dying. Remaining friends with your narcissistic ex-partner is something youll need to consider carefully because narcissists are complicated people. I would surely lose a battle like that in court, regardless of that shes lying. The new supply doesn't know the narcissist's agenda and will go along with whatever the narcissist asks of them. With the exception of when we were actually dating, she never came around. we are merly targets to feed him . When I say Im in love with you, I love having someone beautiful to wear, like a new outfit. Translation: The girlfriend may have said something to him about why he doesnt seem to care about his kids; or there is some kind of benefit for him if he comes back around and inserts himself into their lives after being gone for so long. Eden, I had the same type of story he wasnt physically abusive all the time and also one hit was enough (Im not a fighter) to make me cry I stayed and endured everything until last time he punched me in the eye, almost had to go to the hospital he cried then said was sorry then said will change he behave less than a week then he started to argue with me again over nothing had to move out, puta restraining order and STILL wanted to stat with me. This man was very materialistic with me, loved the best of everything and now he is willing to go bankrupt. Never thought Id walk from her, she was so different . I am moving on. Manipulative probably but still Mine knows for sure his behavior isnt normal but he feels people should accept him as he has good qualities like generosity and humor. I must say this. This morning I was talking about inequality issues with a school setting, and some research I thought would apply. When I wouldnt walk away from the church I was the evil one and incompetent. If narcissistic partners dont care about their lovers, what makes you think theyre going to care about their exes? With every transaction, theyll claim they only want to see you happy. She would constantly tell me how highly she speaks of me to him. Luckily it did not affect my work record because I spoke to the HR person who had studied psychology and new all about Narcs!! Its only for a few months, a few, LONG months of sheer hell! He called three times in a row cause Mr. In either case, no response is needed from you. I decided to allow him to see our son yesterday because it was his bday. I am feeling embarrassed because my narc hoovered me today and it worked. Thats exactly how my knowing of his NPD surfaced. He ever felt down, I was there to encourage him, to give him the confidence to do whatever it is he wanted. Second, Im watching it play out. More posts from r/NarcissisticAbuse Still a little shaky Sex was punishment because i put him out . I guess the best lesson to the narcs out there, is that they are going to wither away completely unloved and alone, and the N survivors thrive. What a tragedy that wouldve been. You have been through it. Im not a closet psycho waiting for the perfect opportunity to freak out on you and tell you that I love you so much that I want you to be my mommy and slap me silly with a wooden spoon on Tuesdays or anything I just am trying to figure out a way to tell you what Im feeling for you and its very difficult because I dont think I really understand what I am feeling. I dated a true narcissistic woman years before her, and this person hurt me as well, but she was easier to see coming and her meanness made her easier for me to get over her. This is the first fall of many years i am alone now. Do you wanna know what it is? [Read: 7 Reasons Why Narcissists Wont Give You Closure]. It has been 13 years? One way to spot a guy who is breadcrumbing? I dont know enough about borderlines but they do say narcissists usually have something else with their disorder ie sociopath narcissist, sex addict narcissist..maybe he is a borderline narcissist. He shared school supplies and candy with me. Once we became a relationship I let her stay by me (big mistake), oblivious to the fact that this charming person who Im starting to love and who loves animals and loves music like me ..etcoblivious to the fact that one day I will look pretty much at the devil itselfWhen I wasnt home she searched my computer for everything and went through all my stuff.etc I did a lot for this person and bought her stuff.,..even though she didnt really do much for me.. Yes, and not for the reasons a normal person would want their ex back. She often would talk me up and compliment me more than usual after we would reconnect following a period of no contact as if it were her way of apologizing. I decided I had enough, and went and filed for a restraining order for dating violence. Please think about these things and try to have some empathy for the female victims before you make unfair claims like that. Id like to thank this message board also, without going no-contact id likely be floating in the nothingness that is a relationship with a Narc. I pray for my healing from my husbands death and the death of the demon named quan . I was too sick to get to police and didnt understand what was going on due to brain infection/surgery. When he was leaving me, i asked him what he wanted to do with the brand new freezer hed bought me to replace mine that quit two months prior and he told me to keep it. So they know exactly what they are doing !!.. Their actions actually turned me off. I have an instant attraction when I see him which is always long periods and not planned as he lives quite far from me. Walk away. Suddenly, all his love for me was gone and he couldnt trust me anymore (which was a joke since he never trusted me even though I never did anything to this man but Narcs never trust anyone because they project themselves onto everyone and know that they are not trustworthy). Jill, hate is a very strong emotion. . Narcissists dont engage the final discard. Hugs and healing to you. Such a saint of a man, right? But i am so F.. volanerble I feel i am not over him yet. I have gone thru some very dark days including overcoming my battle with cancer and depressionAs far a I can tell, His life has scarcely changed at all.Thank you for reaching out! Yes, I truly thought she may have been my soul mate after all, although even then I was skeptical at how extremely clingy she was. The letter was possibly what I needed to stop this evil madness. Imagine how alone youd feel with no support or resources or acknowledgement that narcassism is a real problem. That tarot card reading has me spooked. He would order dinner and have it waiting when I got there. And they are right. Who knows. Puts here self a side.. A live where he is SuperGOD and my sweet loving daughter would just be a piece of.. He talked incessantly about everything..why people behave the way they do and how childhood impacts negative behaviors, blah blah. If he comes to my door, Im not answering. I love the way you feel on me. excessive use of exclamation points 10. Myself When i look back and know all this now, i can say that i am recovering as we speak from the 3th N relationship. I take one day at a time. They want it all, at all costs, so they slowly & painfully strip it all from us, they take everything we have, even our energy And trust me, one day they will ask because as they get older they will start to question his craziness. He only told vicious lies about me and blamed me for his infidelity and drug use because I didnt or couldnt make him happy enough. She says she told him as far as I know shes still living there. Reality They dont love you; they only need you for supply and domination. I have been going to therapy for the month and will be moving out next month. . Yet so ready to embrace a new lease on life . After three days he was gone. Has a woman ever had you in fear for your life and the life of your children purely by her brute strength? He said that thats the way he is, that is his personality and I accepted him for who he is. I even ready an article where it asked the partner of a narcissist, Are you sleep deprived? I heard he is hurt (really?). Granted, we spoke on the phone all the time, but you see what I am getting at. Try any kind of pattern interrupt, like self administered bilateral stimulation, which can calm racing thoughts and neutralize your emotional connect to events. Really good article, I just wish it contained more psychological research. And if she then tells her bf that you suspect hes one and he is, he will make your life miserable. Youd think by now these Narcs would come up with a new algorithm. It was not so much the fact that she had not yet paid me the money. Ive been there , you get stuck into what he is doing instead of focusing on your which is soooo important. Your Ex is using her to triangulate, and also as a flying monkey. I think he believed he loved me until I called him a pathological liar. I have lost everything; family, health, pension, processions, heirlooms, the house, car, reputation, love, and trust. And they seem to come back as if nothing happened. and maybe he does in HIS way but why wont he let go. No matter what you do, dont do, say, dont say Six months after that I catch him snooping on my LinkedIn profile. I just hope this doesnt turn out to me a disaster. I shut down my social network after his vile sister attacked me backstage last fall in year in Chicago. Hes like so you dont care about the kids? Just have an adult conversation and end things maturely. Reading Suggestion: The Narcissist Discard phase. In normal relationships, breakups are not always mutual. Weird stuff that I havent experienced before. He knows Im having a baby and that Im vulnerable yet he has no problem disappearing. Twice shes also been informally diagnosed with Bipolar by 2 different therapists. And the story will repeat again, maybe shell catch him and get out instead of staying like I did for 4 years. I think one of the biggest reasons she has been so hard to get over is that she was such an enigma. There are several reasons why the narcissist wants to be friends with an ex, here are three of them: Obviously, the narcissist isnt going to tell you this, but eventually, theyll try and sleep with you. That is, if you were in no contact long enough, which is usually a month or two at least. I am out over 5 years and the first few years post break up were torture. Everything Kim wrote above fits my ex narcissist girl friend to a T. So Briana, don't feel it's the nature of men. I hope to share my story one day.. Keep up the good work! I caught him lying about another girl again, my best friend that hes living with he left me and went right to her house, Im assiming its not innocent like they say is it? Then I questioned how the hell I missed all the signs but then again, hes smooth, charismatic, cerebral and a great actor. I viewed my daughter as a previous God that I should be there for support when needed. yesterday said that he didnt want me to agree to living apart and it was a mind game and he said it was exactly what it was and that I just jumped right on board. But, then he was back. That judge has no clue the abuse and the wreckage that woman had done to me! As I left, here she comes in her truck with her 5 dogs and her mother? Any advice is appreciated. 2. And because you keep taking him back. I did not even ask her about the money. Theyre the type the narcissist can control. We can work it out. We left without saying goodbye. -Their way or the highway I AM A BASKET CASE TODAY ITS BEEN 2 YRS N I STILL THINK ABOUT HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY WONDERING WHY I WASNT ENOUGH. It has been over 2 yrs that my ex broke up w me according to him because I send an old guy friend a meme I LOVE YOU FRIENDETC SEND TO 15 OF YOUR FRIENDS. I realize the relationship was a major setback for you and I really am sorry. No means no and thats what she has violated a lot of timesacting like a 10 year oldseeking revenge and such etc.. Although you didnt need to be a rocket scientist to workout it wasnt new. He gets no prize for that but it is a difference Ive noticed. And a few happy moments is not worth the price you have to pay. There was never any financial links/obligations between us. Just be silent and it will kill them. He always wanted money I never knew so many people who died is such a short period of time on his side of the family. She is very convincing to others and that is why the distance must remain permanent. I cannot describe it. Thats a proces. if I feel at all uncomfortable I would not hesitate to go NC but for now limited contact has worked for last few years. He said all of that in the shop because he wanted to see if he could win you back. And each time he shows you just how dysfunctional he is, cementing your decision to leave him alone. I also have a lot of rage and I am so cynical and pessimistic of everything .I think I have ptsd. And ONLY in the beginning. The moment he broke up with you, he stopped being your responsibility. That last part may not be healthy, but thats where I am now. I just need to share this as I feel lost sometimes, but on the right path.I wanted to share this, as I am scared of my ex. We analyze to death just to understand. I hope he sends me back something nice soon. Not enjoy myself? I have been on and off with my ex for 5 years. I told to myself by Reading all those storys here i will never let him get to me like that and now he haves his way again. Good for you that you feel strong now. I have the cat who is happy and thriving and settled and secure after surviving Camerons neglect. Oh, apart from a Dear John at my workplace, He ended our 4 year entanglement over the phone. He will be charged with trespassing if he is ever on my property again. If youd be interested in coaching to implement and maintain No Contact, I could also help you understand what made you his victim. Why feel the need to approach and tell me this info and come to me with a crazy offer????? we first met in 2008 and our last communication was in April 2014). Youll never have any peace, youll be in a constant state of limbo, and the narcissist will never allow you to move on. But it would feel good when he will contact me. Every single action employed by the narcissist stems from a pathological need to control others. When meeting a new prospect, Id suggest the three strikes rule. I know for sure that that moments are real. I have to agree with Kim. For me it was nothing personal. I hope you will take the time to read other womens experiences. Throughout our relationship he was abusive in every way. Does It Not Cause You Pain? Narcs will ALWAYS hang themselves when you give them enough rope. I am continuing in counseling and it is going well, and I will continue to receive counseling as long as my counselor believes I need it. Yes, I was addicted to the loving feeling, but Ive dealt with that and I have confronted myself, examining why I ignored red flags and boundary issues I didnt know I had. Jill, the Great Anna V called it Hell demon school where they all went to learn the craft of abuse. Doing my research I found him on numerous dating sites. Thats when there is an new born woman in me. I love having a full-time, personal audience. My ex narc was gone for a month before he called me to discuss a chest freezer he bought me that I was going to sell to his mother.he wanted me to just give her my freezer, oh, which by the way was no longer mine because I wanted to sell it to his mother. In September of last year and six months after disappearing he sent me an e-mail saying he was happy for me, alluding to being disappointed by Paris, saying that I should come see him if I was hesitating on my return to Australia. In your situation it must be even harder. | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed,,d.aWw,, The Narcissist, the Ex, and the New Girlfriend The Art of Triangulation | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed, The REAL Reason the Narcissist Comes Back After No Contact | freefromnarcissisticabuse, Vanilla Sky Unreality with the Narcissist | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed, FAQ Friday 5 Common Questions About the Common Narcissist | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed. Although educating ourselves about the disorder is important, there does come a time when continuing it can hamper our healing efforts because it leads to perpetual triggering. Then says, Im going to look into one bedroom appartments and that he just wants to make sure we can work out before we move in ETc. For the next 6 weekends she disappeared, and each time id believe her story on where shed been. Grrrr so bad!!! I am shocked at myself..I am savvy.. but his lies and deception shone through and good luck to his new GF ..he wants women with high profiles to further himself.. and I had many contacts.maybe getting so distraught and phoning his Mom was not a good idea.. but hey he said he had his own home yes lies lies lies.. never ending. I said I do, but I wont let you have that satisfaction of wAtching me fight. Reading Suggestion: How to take control away from a Narcissist? After months of no contact and his pitiful attempts at contact, I relented to a limited contact relationship as long as it didnt affect my significant other. Great insight about toxic narcissists! but my guess is that men are used to going into their shells with their pain maybe? It killed him that I thought so lowly of him. I own my own house and car and have worked in a stable field for almost 20 years plus I have zero credit card debt. Magistrate would you believe it. I have a hard head and have struggled for years. Why all those lies in the shop?. Why so long?? I can assure you that if your Ex is indeed, BPD or NPD, she is not happy with the new guy. Adding girls on fb, the porn everything. STAY AWAY FROM THEM, THEY MEAN YOU NO GOOD WILL!! Once a strong vivacious Women, now stricken-ed with various illness after being pressed under the thumb for so longI didnt figure it out until he had already stolen so much. He never asks how is son is doing and apparently loves him so much and thinks about him all the time. I also think it is very important to focus on the reasons why you fell into a relationship like that. Does that say something about us? I broke up with him and got back together with him a year and a half later, only to see the old pattern re-surface. Finally Cameron is back with Kym she took him back in the last week. If I can be so bold as to say that there some part of you doesnt love yourself as much as you should, and/or you have boundary issues. He said no I came to kill you, I was like what? But he beat me to it!! []. But just when i get myself out of bed after two weaks of perralised in bed.. just when i started to take care of myself, looked good and accept it.. They just dont get it. Answer (1 of 35): Really? It makes me want to expose her to her face and the world but i know silence is the best option. He is 10 years older fat bald and is a bit of a square. There is much turbulence in my life now because of this. Above all, your main focus would want to be getting primary custody of your child if you can. Good to hear someone that doesnt Judge me because i love(d) him. That is her prerogative to change hers for sure. This fallout is something I will deal with on a daily basis for the rest of my life and theirs and it breaks my heart. ), my friends, and those, in and of themselves, are wonderful and I wouldnt trade them for anything but something is different and very unique with you. N-ex has had a girlfriend for 4 months now, living with him almost half the time, including when he has our children (every other week). When I say Im in love with you, I mean I love the story I can tell to my next lover, about my ex-lover, about how beautiful things were, how intense, how storybook, what a couple we were, and how you gradually, inexplicably, painfully, bit by bit, disappeared. So empty. but they in many ways are harder to get over then the male disordered. This gives them a great advantage over us. Its hard to see the future without him. The very last section is what got to me. To her I am just a needy ex which I am sure she is telling all her friends and family. Not always mutual time he shows you just how dysfunctional he is, cementing your decision to leave alone! Assure you that if your ex is using her to her i am now is hurt ( really )! Highly she speaks of me to him is he wanted the abuse the... The female victims before you make unfair claims like that you give them enough rope decided to allow to. Sure that that moments are real cruel calculating individuals theyre perceived to be a rocket scientist to workout it new! And get out instead of focusing on your which is soooo important she would constantly tell this... And aggressively followed-up with by a guy who is happy and thriving and settled and secure after surviving neglect! 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