Aerys killed Benjen along with Rickard and Brandon. A love story with a backdrop of politics, war and scheming, two lost people finding each other at a most inconvenient time. Much as Ned Stark never wanted to be a king, Winter is Coming and the North needs someone to protect them. In his defense, being unexpectedly made King would always be a difficult thing to be prepared for. But in this one the North keeps its own counsel from the very beginning, and that changes everything. Aqulla era vuestra ocasin. After the Rebellion, the North has been closed off, working towards making it strong once more. When the Royal Family allows her, Jaime, and his brother Tyrion on their journey to Winterfell, Jeyne becomes quite determined to befriend the Bastard of Winterfell. War is ravaging through the Seven Kingdoms. Had she never have had me, she would most likely be alive now and Queen. Margaery Tyrell was raised to be queen. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But Westeros is still at war, and Sansa soon realizes that she deserves more than just passive survival and the people deserve more than a weak queen. 277 Stories. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. After the Rebellion, the North has been closed off, working towards making it strong once more. The Gods decide to take a more active role in their disciples lives, and for the first time in over three centuries the Valyrian Gods awaken to protect the last Targaryen's. Features. # 1. I am the blood of the dragon. Ned Snow was born from an affair between Rickard Stark and a Skagosi woman from a Valyrian house that settled there after the Doom. This is a North-centric story. And the life of everyone around him changed as well, for the better or the worse. C'est ainsi que Shireen, la princesse royale de l'orage, accompagne de son bouclier, Ser Devan Mervault, se lance dans une qute travers les royaumes, la recherche de celle qui dtient son coeur. Centuries hence, Tywin Lannister has ably managed the realm during the Mad King's reign. And not all who came back are their friends. The Pack Survives Chapter 3: Ned I, a game of thrones fanfic | FanFiction The Pack Survives By: Youngthundercat67 The last thing he saw before his head was taken off was the horror in his daughter's eyes. Somewhere, somewhen, there was a young man in a castle surrounded by rivers. The Stark line was more secure than it had been in decades, a thing he knew that his father would be proud of. That young man was holding a circle of iron and bronze in his hands. The Starks were the Kings of Winter, they bore the Direwolf as their symbol for it was the Direwolves they shared blood with. In which some must face the consequences of their actions, others make the best of a bad situation, and the world learns the folly of prophecy. Things aren't alway what they seem, that will be this FF's theme. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (12), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (7), Ned Stark/Original Female Character(s) (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (3), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (3), The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire) (3), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Arianne Trystane Obara Nymera tyene Sarella Rhaenys and Aegon being choas cousins, Dornish Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), please this is not some stupid ExL dump R and life happily ever after, Ned Stark/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), But you know that comes with the territory, The territory being pissing Tywin Lannister off, Though the threats are more implied than anything, Maybe cold Ned Stark is a better description, The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Oh wait one of the death threats is not implied, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Two Broken Betrothals (Truths) and A Royal Marriage (A Lie), He's got a lot of support behind the scenes, But he also low-key just trashed Ned in front of half of all the important people in Westeros, The reason Ned is such a good liar is that he never lies, Hoster Tully is also in a difficult situation so lets cut him a little slack, La divisin de los 7. in which the old gods' plans seems to be tear apart by the dragon's blood. Dragons of Ice and Fire seems to be moving in this direction of a strong/independent north, and his other experimental story, Lions and Wolves, Iron and Gold (snippets of it are up on Dark Lord Potter, it's a Ned/Cersei Stark/Lannister alliance story with a huge focus on . prevailing wage rates travis county texas palo duro mountain bike marathon 2022; sweet 16 center pieces toyota prius fault code c1252; hot nude teen girls naked multnomah county parole and probation gresham office; paper lbo practice example Chapter 1: The secret of Starks crypts. Once, the Targaryen's were akin to gods. Five years before Robert's Rebellion, a tarnished Silver dragon takes her first breath under a weirwood tree beyond the Wall and stars fall from the sky. Lord Eddard Stark left to quell the Greyjoy rebellion with his bannermen.He returned with his bannermen, a ward, and two direwolves at his heel. But for every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble Blood refers to something literal. An alternate version of George R.R. Work Search: Chapter 3: Wolfs, dragons and stags. There him and Cat talk about what could have been. After the Lions' coup, Aegon VI flees with his wife, mother, uncle and cousins in search of allies and safety in order to regain his throne. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. The last thing Elia expected when Princess Lyanna Stark made the long and dangerous journey south to them was for the young woman to propose marriage to her. Dark fantasy au | A snarling bear claims a lost little bird(Sandor is a -literal- grumpy bear and Sansa is a bird but smut only happens in *human* form! pregunt la reina con tono suave mientras se levantaba. Peace rains until the Greyjoy Rebellion is put down and Ned takes Theon as his hostage and ward. His Valyrian hair combined with his Stark Look make him an oddity in the North but his fighting skills make him heavily respected as well as his black fearsome Direwolf with red eyes. A place where the greeds of the worst people hurt those who were the most innocent. Pudisteis hacerlo. Robert has a rage burning in him, and he will go to any lengths for revenge.Across the world, another threat to the Targaryen reign has begun. They agree that Jon will be raised by him, and live in Dorne. Robert has failed. He smiles. Now in the vipers nest that is Kingslanding Jon is determined to rid the stain on his fathers cloak with his birth by becoming a Knight who will join the ranks and legends such as hero Aemon the Dragonknight. Jon Snow, wanting more in life, than the indifference of a father and the hate of a step-mother, becomes a sellsword in Essos.It sets him on the path, which leads to his truth, to his power after all, a Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing. Meanwhile, Renly marches on the capital and the Lannisters prepare for the inevitable clash while Stannis waits at Harrenhal, determined not to become a footnote to his brothers usurpation. Aegon has the look of a dragon, but Rhaenys has their magic. What if everything you thought you knew, is hiding a bigger secret? When word comes from beyond the Wall that the ancient enemy has returned, everyone must make a sacrifice for the greater good of Westeros. "Braiding your hair, ser," Sansa giggled. Peace is there but is glass as whispers move. no beta we die like tyrion's brain in season 8. Well let's put it this way, she doesn't even exist yet.. or the kingdom is AU and is more powerful for whatever reason before the MC. The man (the boy) that Ned had just taken prisoner is no simple man. Alayne Stark, the mother of the Seastark line, created Wolvesport in the east coast and personally led her fleet to fight with any pirates that dared attack the North and its ships she was considered one of the best admirals in the world back in the day. Reclaim what you have lost. Eddard Stark is aware of the great game. Eddard Stark, second son of the Lord of Winterfell, dutiful, and respectable even by his friends who are heirs to their respective lands. What changes will he bring to the North as a whole ?. Will Lyanna escape her troubled past? Eddard Stark is aware of the great game. Westeros has always had wars for succession, and rebellion, but the war that matters most is coming. Soon thereafter, the nobles of Westeros converge upon the largest tourney the continent has ever seen. They must fall apart and come together so that they survive what shall come after.And when the war is won, they must find it in themselves to pick up the pieces. Pious, a dutiful and remarkable maid, that's what she is meant to be. Rhaenys asked why her mama, mami and Nappa were wrestling in bed. Ned had to take Cersei as his wife and Stannis took Elia as his wife to appease Dorne. More than that, he was just very happy that both the boy and Catelyn lived. Their mutual attraction threatens to consume them both. A monster that kills people around him. What if I told you that one day you will meet a girl who is unlike anyone else you've known. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I said thanks, man.Ned: Do you see me as a father figure, Greyjoy?Theon: No, if anything, I see you as a bother figure, 'cause you're always bothering me.Jeor: Hey! Not only that, but the Blackfyre or rather the Targaryen bastard line is larger than we thought. He would show the world why it took a Dragon to subdue the North, when no man made army could. Loved drinking and fucking, loved his family and friends above everything else. All he wants is have his family at his side and to feel at peace. However, they have no diversification which is a fairly big downside. OrHow Ned Stark gets made King in the North by inviting the Greatjon to a political meeting. 2022. . The remains of which he lost when his love died. Crafting an elaborate lie, Ned secures Northern Independence from a devastated Robert Baratheon and makes an alliance with the infamous Tywin Lannister, whose sole demand is this - Ned make his old flame, the Old lion's daughter - Cersei, his queen.Lyanna gets to raise her child and sister-in-law in her home, nursing her broken heart.Follow the lives of the King in the North and his family as they play the Game of Thrones.The Pack stands tall and proud as they guard their dragons, waiting for the time to strike.Winter is Coming..and the mightiest beasts of Westeros are out for blood! But Eddard Stark was patient and was willing to wait to bring pain to house Targaryen and his own sister as payment for what she did. Ned Stark arrives at the great tourney of Harrenhal, Carrying anguish and heartbreak in his chest. by gorg. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (17), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (45), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (31), Wiedmin | The Witcher - All Media Types (1), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (1), Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (27), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (11), The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire) (8), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Ashara Dayne/Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Septa Lemore/Ned Stark/Ashara Dayne/Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), Children of the Forest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Northern Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Starks are kings of winter for a reason, The first chapter is basically historical books to help show how Westeros is different, Stark Family are Wargs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Children of the Forest are more like Tolkien-esque wood elves, The North Wind blows, and with it, marches Death, Grand Maester Pycelle (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Vale of Arryn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Robert Baratheon/Original Female Character(s), Drowned God & Storm God Worship (A Song of Ice and Fire), R'hllor | The Lord of Light Worship (A Song of Ice and Fire), Mother Rhoyne River (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ned Stark & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Arya Flint/Rodrik "The Wandering Wolf" Stark, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Benjen Stark/Original Female Character(s), Robert's Rebellion Fails | Rhaegar Targaryen Wins, Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, The Shift in the Realm: The Quiet Wolf's influence, Will update more tags when it was revealed in the story, Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia)/Original Female Character(s), Direwolf Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Will update tags as I go because honestly I'm not sure where this will go yet, this series will have canon-typical levels of violence, the logic of which boils down to 'yeah but I like this part better', this has been called by my worst friend "A Major Stark Wank", also: it's not an encato au but ever since that movie came out it's been called that in my head, Winter is Coming | Stark House Words (A Song of Ice and Fire), Pre-Robert's Rebellion Against the Targaryens, So much of this is characters being like 'ned no' and ned going 'ned yes', Ned and Ashara: Drabbles, One-Shots, Short Fics and more, A Wild Wolf is Dangerous, but a Quiet One is Deadly, Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Revenge is a Dish Best Served Through the Womb, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister (mentioned), R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, Ned Stark/Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), Rattleshirt | Lord of Bones (A Song of Ice and Fire), Original Targaryen Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire), Vermithor | Jaehaerys I Targaryen's Dragon, Maester Luwin of Winterfell (A Song of Ice and Fire), Skagosi Characters | Characters From Skagos (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia) Lives, The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Talisa Maegyr/Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), jon will be brutal and rutheless when necessary, brienne and jaime become best buds before best lovers, Valyrian Steel Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ice | House Stark's Valyrian Steel Greatsword (A Song of Ice and Fire). Read and find out. Starts at Dragonstone, then to Kings Landing, and eventually heading North to destroy the Night King and his army. As the winds of change spread through Westeros, two families as alike as they are different are swept up into the changing world around them. His Valyrian hair combined with his Stark Look make him an oddity in the North but his fighting skills make him heavily respected as well as his black fearsome Direwolf with red eyes. In respect of his father he had called the boy Rickon, a strong Stark name for a healthy and strong Stark boy. A deal with Cersei leaves her married to Joffrey and doing her best to make it from one day to the next. If this land does not end in fire, salt or shadow first? He is fostering in Eeyrie last three years since he is eight namedays old and he will continue his fostering till he reaches majority which is six and ten namedays old in Westeros . The freefolk had no monarch, no royal family, and yet Jon had become King-beyond-the-Wall after his father. He still despises it but is able to understand it still. But in three, the future survives. But her friends did care, and they did the only thing they could to save Kagome; they made a wish on the Shikon Jewel. Lions and wolves are at each other's troath. La conclusin de la rebelin de Robert termin a favor de los rebeldes, pero a un gran precio despus de que Aerys II explotara Desembarco del Rey y Jaime lograra sobrevivir a la explosin por mera suerte.Tras haber sido rescatada, Lyanna regresar con Ned al norte, pero tendrn que detenerse en Harrenhal para la boda de l con Cersei Lannister. But maybe it was a chance for her to make Robert listen thru the Starks (Sorry guys but I had no direction for where the original story was going to go so I have to create a new concept). It can be said the story of Eddard Stark began at the Tourney of Harrenhal. After the Rebellion, the North has been closed off, working towards making it strong once more. Ned and Ashara: Drabbles, One-Shots, Short Fics and more, But she still daydreams about her wedding, Shireen Baratheon/Devan Seaworth/Ygriitte, Minor Stannis Baratheon/Lyanna Stark - Freeform, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, honestly knowing me it could have been worse, Oberyn Martell/Original Female Character(s), Aegon VI Targaryen & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Rhaenys Targaryen/Original Male Characters, Robert Baratheon/Original Female Character(s), (in the winter) my bones grow weary (with all the weight they carry), Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister/Ned Stark, There will be equal parts light and dark content. Lord Eddard Stark considers what it means for his Bastard Boy to be a Strangers Prince, and wonders what their alliance could bring for the future of his shattered house. Everything changes. Severus Snape was young when he accidentally created a portal to another world and went there with his 6 year old son, coming across a malnourished child in an extremely cold weather. There is some love for Jamie too, but we pick up right as Robb calls his banner men for the capture of his father. Chapter 4: The battle of Blackwater. ). But this tournament is not just for Lyanna. . To her and her familys eyes, it looks like the gods have a different plan when she receives a soul mark binding her to a northern bastard. Centuries hence, Tywin Lannister has ably managed the realm during the Mad King's reign. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. But the arrival of the Stark family causes all of the great families to re-evaluate their long held alliances. He is placed in the middle of all this against his will, but he must do his duty for House Stark. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. Following a devastating attack on an important oil field, the Targaryen empire tried to hunt down those responsible apparently, the Kingdom of Winter. Unterdessen hat jenseits der Mauer der Angriff der Anderen begonnen, die das Leben in Westeros und Mittelerde bedrohen Fortsetzung des Tolkien/Martin-Crossovers, Having loss battle after battle of the against White Walker threat, the people of Westeros flee, hoping to find a place free of White Walkers. He was all but certain that it would never come back to haunt him and was willing to wait for Rhaegar and his family to crumble under the destruction of kings landing. When Zephyr was born, Cersei expected Blonde hair and Blue eyes, like her son Joffe. King Rhaegar was hailed for his mercy. Crafting an elaborate lie, Ned secures Northern Independence from a devastated Robert Baratheon and makes an alliance with the infamous Tywin Lannister, whose sole demand is this - Ned make his old flame, the Old lion's daughter - Cersei, his queen.Lyanna gets to raise her child and sister-in-law in her home, nursing her broken heart.Follow the lives of the King in the North and his family as they play the Game of Thrones.The Pack stands tall and proud as they guard their dragons, waiting for the time to strike.Winter is Coming..and the mightiest beasts of Westeros are out for blood! To power that passes down through the bloodlines, different in every family, power that blooms and blossoms, changing the way a game plays out. Bore the Direwolf as their symbol for it was the Direwolves they shared blood with secure... He still despises it but is glass as whispers move will, but Blackfyre. Every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble blood refers to something.! 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