And if so should she be paying child support and should I hire a lawyer to try and get full or more custody? It's serious business when you try to deal with someone making false police reports, you need legal help. I cant afford 4000 fora lawyer.. But that isnt the way the system works. Custody X Change is a powerful tool that helps parents create and track professional-quality parenting plans. Now I really would like to get some advice from someone whos been thru a similar case. The only thing that could make a difference is a blood test. It is that simple. he then does not return her, he removes her from school during his non placement time and keeps her for 3 to 4 days( no knowledge of where she is staying) . SAFE. The child might be in the car. All while going back more and more for child support, medical, etc , all while not working at all, but not caring about the fact that he has to live at poverty level and can barely afford to have them and do things with them. They favor the woman period. I understand where your coming from I raised my exs oldest son from born until 4 and then the dad wanted to work his way back in, and it worked she dropped me and is trying with him, my efforts meant nothing we have our own child as well and shes trying to get full custody of him and me see him at her discretion, havent seen what I called (my oldest son) for a year now, you dont hafto agree but women usually get the majority of the custody and usually child support, I think any father wanting to be apart of there childs life deserves that opportunity to do so and if they blow it then you got probable cause in court, no matter what struggles people go through imagine being denied your kids when thats all that matters in life, trying to answer and vent at the same time because of how much involved in my case and false everything and deceitfulness she gets away with is amazing, she can be with who she wants it would be nice if she looked at it as we gotta get along for our childs sake and security for the emotional toll they live in the future, its to bad over 85% of parents today are separated and have kids with someone else trying to be happy with someone but our kids suffer because the adults want happiness. Cordell & Cordell has mens divorce lawyers located nationwide. I dont mean to be pesimistic, because I am going throught the same thing right this second. Please help me out! Youve got all the reasons why you are only doing what you can, and why the mother of your child doesnt really need your help anyway. Their mothers pleas for help and financial assistance have become nothing more than another creditor blowing up your phone and not worth your time or cost. I have seen this time and time again. Always be first to file. They are above the local police. 2-2-5-5 schedule. I thought the courts made that determination! THE DAD WAS NEVER AROUND. The only time I feel great is with my son. She still sues me every other year by making fabricated allegations, and violates the parenting agreement whenever it suits her. Not trying to lock her up, just want to see my son. Hes connected to gangs and dangerous, but we dont have the tools to deal with him. The parenting time provided in the custody order is the "default" plan that is in place when parents cannot agree on the exchange schedule. If something were to ever happen to that child who you let go of with that thought in the a k of your mind would you be able to live with yourself?? I went over there this morning and they wouldnt let me talk to him. Unfortunately, I never went back to court and had the custody and visitation order modified or got our agreement in writing. When hes away from his father, hes happy to see me. May 27, 2014 1:08 pm Comments are closed. My question is: What are my chances of a judge in Tarrant County granting my request for permission to relocate? Christina Sapiano. Dont give up. It is very unfortunate he isnt answering his phone or returning your calls but there is no law stating he has to answer or call back but there are laws in place for not following the visitation schedules it will be considered kidnapping if you dont take the child or have someone else take the child or offer for the child to be picked up from your house ir when you arrive at work. You are not entitled to a thank you for providing financial assistance required for the basic necessities to raise your child. anything could happen but he would have to live in Illinois for six months and it there has been anything filed which Im guessing since you have sole legal custody there it is set with the court then he has to go to that county that all of this has tookin place in. DAWN: Many men would LOVE the opportunity to raise their children. Who gives him help when he has custody or visitation with the kids does the mother of the children give him weekend allowance to supply the needs as much as you need for kids. Unfortunately us step parents have zero authority in these matters. That image is burning in my mind. 8/16/2014My ex has been giving me and my wife problems ever since we got married 4 years ago till this day we are still going through the same thing Im on child support I pay her 1,200 a month I have my visitation rights and on my court order states anyone can get my kids for me she hates my wife for no reason so when my wife try to pick up my kids for my weekend wouldnt let my wife get them b/c I wasnt there but I couldnt make it I had to work the cops werent no help so my wife had to leave without my kids what can I do? Clearly youre looking for a way to run a scam. If you do not have a court agreement he can take your child and there is nothing you can do if I were u I would file a motion for custody in your county and find a good lawyer that way the ball is in your court. out and away from custody. I think she hasnt gotten over you being married to someone else. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Then he moved out of state and didnt let me see my two daughters for the past 3 years. There isnt any other way. Its been a problem everytime I go over to pick up or drop the kids off. Its sad she feels work is more important than her kids relationship with their father. The systems gender bios. So I feel stuck to let him walk all over me as usual! Even when I couldnt afford the support I couldnt see him due to his father! Not calling the police resulted in my boyfriend losing his split parenting time with his children, he went from getting them for six months out of a year down to just two, Hi my name is Frank,and my situation is slightly different due to my sons grandfather is a ex police officer and a county 911 dispatch officer I was a stay at home dad and for the first 3 yrs of my sons life I was dad and mom she wanted nothing to do with my son and was always attacking me with hands and weapons Ive been trying to get to find a way to get help from the law or someone but Ive been harrast by The local police and the county officers so where do I go, Im pretty sure that y son has been molested by someone and again I get no help from anyone of authority due to her fathers pull with the local police or dcfs so if you have any information please contact me at I would so appreciate it!!!! I had a lawyer tell me last year I let too much time go by and its too late to do anything about it now. We have a court date and mediation date coming up, so Im going to ask for things to be set straight again. Stop doing this to mothers and fathers people oh, it is not okay at all. Brian McClintock, 47, was also arrested. It says he will have to give you back that missed time and pay your lawyer fees, so dont be scared. There's a newly designated spot in Thibodaux to make online purchase and child custody exchanges a lot safer, police said. I have adjusted the visitation schedule in order to give the boys the most time with their dad. Its so you woman like you can play the I do everything card. And most of all its because you all know you are pocketing a majority of the inflated child support you are receiving and not spending it on the kids. I am now a shell of a person and a victim to the worst crime a parent and child could ever go through PARENTAL ALIENATION. I havent seen my daughter in 2 months. BRAD: I know this must be a scary situation your in but if you question it kidnapping then you already know deep down the answer my advice is to try to get along with ur ex the best you can file a motion for joint custody asap. Take matters into your own hands. My bf has been denied his court ordered (scheduled) visitation by the mom. Only the police officers couldnt do anything. The rest of the world might take your side, they might reassure you when you fish for attention on social media, that you are doing the best you can. which that is want my ex husband did to me. If it was her making a support claim, and your named as dad on the certificate, guess what? I swear. Do you know the name of their doctor? We are from MS, and they have joint right now with her being primary because we live 2 hours away from her. When is the last time you did 5 loads of laundry on a Saturday, paying for the soap and hot water and dryer sheets, and then did another two loads for good measure on Tuesday when a blanket was covered in vomit and crackers? Three weeks before leaving she has only told us his son has to be back a day earlier than we have booked. Any mom or parent out there that is putting her financial situation before the kids and denying 50/50 custody is just scum. Whatever you wanna call it, it will help in your case for later. so what I did was went to family court and filled a petition for enforcement. You can start with the Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Attachment ( form FL-311 ). I would like to know if any mother was put in jail for playing around with visitation, the way men are routinely put in jail for not paying state sponsored extortion payments, To Mike.Extortion payments????? I still had kids most of the time until my ex got a new girlfriend who loves kids and now he wont ever let them stay with me. Im a single mother going through a bad case now so I understand your situation completely. Police station child custody exchange: When you truly feel in danger and fear for the safety of your child, a police station is the ideal place for an exchange. At least this way he sees me present and knows I care for him and love him. No contact between mom and dad. I spent 11 years fighting the worthless legal system we have in this country, and guess whatI am giving up. How many packages of $12 toilet paper do you buy in a month, or tubes of $4 toothpaste, or bottles of $2 hand soap? She refuses to communicate also. They saw me & the two police officers, and hit the gas and left the scene. Im going through this now, way more details and my ex husband is a known drug addict to the courts and is currently on Methadone. I feel exactly the same way,only my situation even worse,my ex took kids away without court permission,now she wont even let me talk to them,she lies to a judge. If anyone has anything to help with please let me know. His father lives in Illinios. How many night lights do you have powered on each and every single night? Shes 1000 miles away. My husband is suppose to get his daughter one day during the week and every other weekend. If an officer is willing to help, he may call the opposing party and demand compliance or escort you to pick up the children.
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