Therefore, if walking 10 miles becomes a habit for you, you may notice that your weight loss is not consistent or continuous. It's not magic. As stated before, walking 10 miles a day and burning that many calories might aid in weight loss, but you also need to eat a healthy, balanced diet and watch your calories. Walking also increases energy expenditure and is an efficient and cost-effective way to burn calories. Risks of walking 10 miles a day. 1. Sometime taking the first step is all it takes then staying consistent. I think walking often gets discredited, but its an AWESOME exercise, and Im so glad you shared your experience! I absolutely love it, walking fast is just as good as running slow. About how fast do you typically walk? I started waking up 1 hours earlier in the morning, going for a 10 minute walk mid-morning, a 30-40 minute walk at lunchtime and the rest of the time in the evening. However, walking 4 miles a day for weight loss is a more complicated process whose results depend on several factors. The body is highly adaptive. Therefore, if you walk 10 miles every day, and have the same intake of calories, you will lose 0,55 pounds per day or 16,71 pounds per month. Even on my days off I still followed my treadmill routine. First things first to try to safely lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly (the recommended amount), you need to create a calorie deficit of approximately 500 to 1,000 calories a day from your typical diet, per the Mayo Clinic. Start walking for 10 minutes a day. The old me who didnt love herself or think she was good enough. Even if you can do only a single mile, following this program will have you walking the full 10 miles within 10 weeks. Do you have any suggestions? I need to lose about 60 lbs. I agree that many discredit walking for weight loss. Everyone says you need to do high intensity workouts, but really just moving more will get you there. This is how you get the cardiovascular benefit that will help you lose weight. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. The main factor affecting calories burned from walking is your body weight. Just that first walk made all the difference. Although exercising too much can still lead to weight loss, setting unsustainable targets like this can cause you to burn quickly, impede long-term results, and potentially cause injury. An average person of 155 lbs. Everyone reacts differently. In this article, we will cover what to expect with walking 10 miles a day, the fantastic health benefits of walking 10 miles a day, and how to properly prepare yourself to do so. I cannot tell you how many things Ive read recently that states walking does nothing for weight loss and its just not true. I recommend you start with listening to the episode on self sabotage: and also the episode on dropping self judgement: Walking 10 miles without stopping requires a solid cardio base and well-developed muscular endurance. As much as there are benefits, walking 10 miles a day can quickly lead to overtraining, which happens when you work too hard and dont allow enough recovery time. You can walk for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. It just shows that something small can have a really big impact. 5k :: 10k :: Half Marathon :: Marathon :: Ultras, +44 (0)1346 517061Marathon Handbook | Broadsea Media, Main Street, Fraserburgh, UK, AB43 9RT. The Compendium of Physical Activities reports different METs for various walking speeds and incline grades. And while youll certainly realize these benefits if you walk 10 miles a day, its important to remember that any amount of walking is great for your health. But in the end, I find its not unreasonable because you can use that time to do many of the productive things I was mentioning above, which you cant do with other exercises that require 100% of your attention. The more you weigh, the faster you walk, and the steeper the incline (if any) you ascend, the more calories you burn walking. Learn how your comment data is processed. I could just be. Additional studies have found that setting distance-based goals instead of time-based goals may be more effective for realizing these benefits. One night after a particularly stressfulday, a coworker suggested I go to the beach to think. 5 things I learned from walking 10km a day. This is fabulous and so inspiring! Additionally, you dont HAVE to commute somewhere to walk; you can just zip out the door and be on your way, so its not that much more time than trips to the gym in the end. A 30-minute walk may reduce blood pressure by as much as medication Health 20 February 2019 By New Scientist and Press Association A morning walk can help lower blood pressure Erik. Its nice to meet another Megan who spells their name the same as me! I had more energy, even though I was seeing a different part of the world each day, while still writing for clients along the way. There are other ways to get in a great walking workout in less time. Being in Vietnam is not a requirement for making a walking experiment like this work, but there were a few ways that traveling naturally helped me get more steps. I cant go on a day without putting my steps in for the day. Seeing how good walking made me feel when it was top of mind each day has given me the tools to recognize when I'm not feeling as great and I need to take steps (often literally) to make myself feel better. My question is why? As a Certified Personal Trainer and running coach for 12 years, Amber enjoys staying active and helping others do so as well. 1 Whilst walking 10 miles a day is an admirable goal and has many benefits, there are some downsides that you need to be aware of. Reduces stress. Working up mile by mile until you reach 10 miles per day will reduce your risk of overuse injuries. As a result, you will be better able to meet the challenges of your day, whether it's running to catch a bus or climbing up a hill. At that time in my life, I was feeling particularly unhappy and insecure working as a consultant in California unsure of my future, unhappy that Id sacrificed so much of my personal life to corporate America. I am a 65-year woman, and I need to lose at least 100 pounds. Watch my testimonial here: Donnas Montreal Kyni Testimonial (in front of 2000 +ppl), Donnas 2 min Kyni Testimonial Ive been walking about 7 or 8 miles a day 5 days a week but Im not losing weight. How to Get a Great Workout with Brisk Walking, Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS. If you're walking at 4 miles per hour, which is considered very brisk (that's a 15-minute mile), 10 miles would take you 2.5 hours. She says that your body has the ability to adapt to everything like the number of calories you consume as well as the amount and type of physical activity you do. That's a lot of benefit from such a simple action. Trust me, I WANT to run but my shins hurt,ankles hurt and Im out of breath in 25 seconds so its a real downer when I just need to take it slow until my body can lift itself with a better weightI want to lose it faster! Running doesnt always allow for that! If you're actually walking 10 miles, you could be burning up to about 1,100 calories daily, depending on your weight, pace and incline. And there were no evenings when I had to seat dance to Lizzo with my phone in my hand to make up a missed step count. If youve been doing the same thing for a long time, its time to change things. Best Gifts For Women Runners. After a year with slight changes in my eating habits I was 140 lbs and decided to walk the Camino in Spain 800 k over 35 days (lots of eating and drinking)and lost 5 more lbs. "For most people, exercise alone does not generate a significant amount of weight loss," obesity medicine physician and nutrition expert Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, tells Walking is an efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. One of the greatest strengths of walking for exercise is how easy it is to customize your regimen. However, walking for more than 2 hours has demonstrated no substantial benefits for these men. In general, walking costs little compared with a gym membership or home gym equipment. Walking 10 miles a day, particularly when combined with rest and bath therapy, can help reduce stress by improving circulation, which in turn provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It also activates the receptors of the nervous system and reduces the release of stress hormones. Join over 100,000 runners and get our top 10 fresh articles and tips straight to your inbox every Monday morning + a free copy of my ebook, The 26 Golden Rules Of Running! Walking does not stimulate muscle and bone growth as effectively as other exercise options. It can become very discouraging when you are encouraged to only do HIIT or very intense workouts in order to succeed. 5. Sure! Morning: 5 minutes normal walk + 2 minutes brisk + 1-minute high-speed walk + 5 minutes normal walk. I am now down to 130 lb a year later. In Vietnam, my general terror of city motorbike riding and uncertainty about booking taxis or rideshares solo meant that I walked for everything, whether it was sightseeing, getting my morning coffee, or going to the pharmacy on a seemingly endless quest for bug spray. I did a very similar thing and lost about 40 pounds. Then, multiply this calculated value by the number of minutes it takes you to walk those 10 miles. I walked 31 miles in 10 hours and 2 minutes, right through the middle of Cornwall in England , the walk is called the Saints Way. Here is basically the schedule. IT must be SHARED again. Start thinking inspiring things, listen to inspiring podcasts and music to refocus your mind. Hi Megan, I just wanted to thank you for writing this. I believe tomorrow will be the first day of my new life we have our first phone consultation and l am willing and ready. Here's how it works: Breathe in for four steps. 3. Do interval walking: Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your walks by including include several bursts of high-intensity activity followed by lower-intensity recovery times, according to the ACSM. Great Post! Research suggests that walking can decrease cardiovascular risk factors, body mass index, waist circumference, and the incidence of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression (2). I also gained about 50 pounds. I could breathe. Hi Megan! who walks at a speed of 3.5 miles per hour will burn around 300 calories every hour. So, how much do you have to walk to lose weight? In order to get the most out of your shorter walks, try to: 1. Walk faster: The faster you move, the more calories you burn, according to ACE. When I was done reading I forced myself to get up and go on my treadmill (which has been gaining dust) I think k Ill start walking everyday and see where it takes me. (But keep in mind that healthy eating habits are crucial for maintaining weight loss.). Because skinny & fit always tastes delicious. You can alternate power walking every 2 to 3 minutes with a 1-minute moderate recovery pace for 30 to 40 minutes total. You could be overdoing it. This will burn around 3,500 calories a week, the equivalent of one pound of excess fat. Follow Megan on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the latest updates. If thats the case for you, thats OK! With that in mind, adding 4 days of walking 10 miles per day with no additional food intake would put you at around 1 pound of weight loss per week, assuming your calorie intake and expenditure were equal before you started your walking program. You just don't realize how much cardio walking can offer, and if you shoot for a goal such as 10 miles a week, you are sure to fill in your cardio requirement. Also, steadily increase the speed of walking. Walking 10 miles per day is an effective way to support weight loss. While walking has amazing health benefits, walking 10 miles a day is not the best approach for weight loss. Its important to me that others understand they dont have to be a runner to be healthy. Walking has numerous scientifically proven health benefits, and you can adjust the intensity and distance based on your current fitness level. Each week, youll add another mile to your daily walking program. See the 12. Do you ever get bored on your walks or cant quiet your mind, and if so, what do you do? I still shoot for 10,000 steps every day, but it's easier to let life get in the way when I don't have a jagged limestone coastline to walk, or a jungle trail to explore just minutes from where I'm staying. people always underestimate the power of movement. Here you get low calorie recipes for weight loss that balance hormones. Walk at an easy pace for 4 to 5 minutes. Roman legions, each soldier carrying 70 to 100 pounds of equipment, considered a 20-mile march a good day. Its about being willing to take the first stepin the direction you want to go. When it comes to walking, "moderate intensity" is a minimum of 2.5 miles per hour, but it depends on sex, age, and fitness level. Im at my heaviest. A regular walking program, reducing calories and eating clean = weight loss and a healthier body. The only problem is sometimes I get bored. Just a cliche girl trying to live her best life, hoping to inspire you to do the same. To burn fat quickly and effectively, you should master power-walking. Challenge yourself with intervals Walk slowly for one minute, quickly for one minute, and repeat during your second "working" mile. Walking is not only important to physical health but to mental health as well. I love this! Building up to a 10-mile walk every day will lead to substantial improvements in your cardiovascular health and psychological well-being. Everything I had ever read touted the many benefits of walking. Hi Im Keltie, and you can think of me as your friendly neighbourhood fit chick! The first week 10 minutes, the next month20 minutes the month after 30 minutes, then 40, 60, 90 and eventually I was walking8-9 miles at a 12-13 minute per mile pace. At a speed of 4 miles per hour, the same individual will burn approximately 340 calories in one hour and at a speed of 4.5 miles per hour, he will burn around 370 calories per hour. This keeps off heart-related diseases such as stroke and heart attack. Incorporating HIIT into your walking workout is simple, according to Sansone. I am going to follow your lead and hopefully by August Ill also have lost 39 ibs. Walking at a steady pace at 60-70% of maximum heart rate (a pace where you can maintain a conversation) maximizes fat burn, is relatively easy, and is accessible to most people of all ages. At that pace, it would take 2.5 hours to walk 10 miles, for a total of about 878 calories for the 155-pound person and 1,048 calories for the 185-pound person. I checked the pedometer on my cell phone and it is saying I've been walking usually between 15 and 20 miles a day during this time. The me whos confident, secure and proud in her own skin. You can very easily put back half or all of those calories burned by mindlessly snacking or eating a heavy meal. So far I have lost 43 pounds since June 1. Walking a weight loss very helpful always to lose weight. "Walkers have so many choices to get fit and stay fit for life," Sansone says. If you do this four days a week and maintain your current diet, you will lose around one pound each week. I can walk even if Im extremely tired. According to the American Council on Exercise, a 155-pound (70.3-kg) person can expect to. I hadnt been active in over decade due tomy avascular necrosis,but something pulled me toward that path. Try 5-minute blocks Push for one minute, and then do four. Physical activity has also been shown to help increase the size of the hippocampus, while a sedentary lifestyle decreases the hippocampus, contributing to memory loss. Im sorry to hear about your niece Daisy. All Ive been doing is walking daily and hiking on weekends. Going any faster will result in you essentially jogging or running, which has other benefits and downsides compared with walking. xoxo. Walking is just one piece of the puzzle. Some links on this site are affiliate links for which I am compensated a small commission if the link is clicked and a purchase is made. My body was in severe horrific pain but since being on KYNI it has given me my life back. While you may initially notice improvements in your aerobic fitness, sooner or later youll need to either increase your speed until youre running or add some form of weight or other resistance to increase the intensity. Other common mistakes include walking with too much intensity, walking too far, and walking too fast. People with two of the most common forms of cancer can cut their risk of dying from the disease by as much as 40% simply by walking for a mile a day, Macmillan Cancer . When I walk with a great playlist, my mind runs wild and I always feel so invigorated when I am done!! In other words, would walking that much be overdoing it physically for your current fitness level? This is a good aerobic activity for people who are obese or elderly. Once you find a distance thats slightly challenging but not overwhelming, stick with that distance for a week. Walking fired a passion in me to live life beyond my expectations andexperience more of what it has tooffer. Best Nike Shoes For 20233. Even participated in my first 15k! And if they did get sick, it was for a shorter duration, and their . When I go for walks my mind doesnt relax, it just obsessed about things and I dont get peace from it. Stretch your calves and hamstrings for 2 minutes. So, while one walk won't make much difference, walking frequently will. It's better to walk less, but maintain good posture than try to force steps with bad posture and risk injury. Feb 11th 2023. 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